Sorry for the smell
Among the senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, we rely most on sight for information. Yet human vision is not as precise as we often believe. In fact, if we talk about accuracy, the other sense organs are more holistic and exact than the eye. Among them, our sense of smell is closely tied to memory—so much so that a particular scent can instantly carry us back to a distant moment in time. That is how all-encompassing smell can be.
“Sorry for the Smell” is a work that delves into this overall structure. What scent evokes memories for you? How does the moment that smell appears—often before you even realize it—turn you into a traveler of memory, or a traveler through time? And if you have a memory that cuts particularly deep, chances are you have carried a single scent with you for a very long time.

Sorry for the smell, Cocaine, Seoul, Korea, 2018

Sorry for the smell, Cocaine, Seoul, Korea, 2018