Culture Factory Seoul Station-The Memory of Space
The area of old Seoul Station is imagined as a heterotopia. Through the space filled with water,projecting on water and reflecting light and image, with the help of sound and movement, live performance which is imagined as a heterotopia in the waiting room No.1 and No.2. Open rehearsal also is exhibition concept which is preparation for the performance. For 10 performances altogether, each performance performs a different theme. Performance was made for the topics of Empty Room. Repetition is Boring, Lightness of Butterflies, Numbers, Velocity, Becoming Old, Cluster, Rhythm, Communication, Everywhere is Theater. Audiences enter with the boots on, and performance that starts at 5 pm has no fixed ending time. Works are archived through 12 TV monitors.
Heterotopia, Culture Station of Seoul 284, Seoul, Korea, 2014
Heterotopia, Culture Station of Seoul 284, Seoul, Korea, 2014
Heterotopia, Culture Station of Seoul 284, Seoul, Korea, 2014
Heterotopia, Culture Station of Seoul 284, Seoul, Korea, 2014
Heterotopia, Culture Station of Seoul 284, Seoul, Korea, 2014
Heterotopia, Culture Station of Seoul 284, Seoul, Korea, 2014
Heterotopia, Culture Station of Seoul 284, Seoul, Korea, 2014